
Invitation to the second Conference on OER

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, the second conference on Open Educational Resources (OER) will take place, online this time.

The conference will continue the discourse on opportunities and limits, implementation and developments with and around OER. Invited are lecturers at universities, education managers and people who are interested in the development of an open educational practice and who are or want to become part of the OER community.

View the programme
Register for the conference

The second conference is part of the “Digital Skills powered by OER” project funded by swissuniversities as part of the P-8 “Strengthening Digital Skills in Teaching“.

Aims of the conference

The use of digital media in education and research is fundamentally changing the use, production and sharing of knowledge. The Swiss Higher Education landscapes needs a broad and differentiated discourse on Open Educational Resources (OER), which is in line with the national strategy of swissuniversities.

OER refers to educational resources, in particular teaching and learning materials in any form, which are free and accessible to all. OER may be used, reused and adapted without relevant restrictions. OER respect the copyright, the open use is usually regulated by so-called CC licenses (Creative Commons). Openly accessible knowledge resources can help to expand teaching and learning at universities towards Open Educational Practice.

On January 28 & 29, 2019, the first conference to promote, raise awareness and further develop OER at Swiss universities in general and to intensify networking and cooperation in international projects in particular will take place in Lucerne. The multifaceted aspects of Open Education can also be controversially discussed and the opinion-forming process supported.

Aims of the conference

  • Gaining an overview of the current discourse on the topic
  • Making the benefits of OER more visible, highlighting and promoting them in Swiss higher education
  • Identifying possibilities, forms and tools for the joint development of OER
  • Showing potential for cultural change in learning and teaching through digitisation
  • highlighting the importance and opportunities for university teaching, internal and external university cooperation, international cooperation and the discourse on education and society
  • Outlining the use of OER as a contribution to a strategy of “digitisation” and “sustainability”.
  • Learning as social development, freely circulating knowledge, innovation through exchange

Who is the conference for?

University members who produce, use or organise teaching and learning materials, who deal with OER, work in national/international cooperation projects and networking in higher and further education, OER research and OER services and who are active in international projects.