Call for Contributions

Conference topic

“Teaching development by Openness – OER in the university context”.
Openness is used as a frame of reference for teaching development. The conference will highlight current developments and practices with Open Educational Resources and ask about opportunities and possible use cases of OERs for universities.


Lecturers at universities, educational authorities and OER practitioners are invited to submit initiatives, questions and possible strategies to present them for discussion at the conference.
Proposals for contributions on the following focus topics are welcome:

Practice: Implement OER

Conversation: Discuss OER

University development: Establish OER

Contribution format

Presentation (short format)
Presentation 15 minutes.
The presentation should focus on two or three interesting and stimulating reflections and should inform, inspire or invite to discussions.
In one atelier (see programme) 2 contributions are presented.

Conference proceedings
As a follow-up to the conference, a digital publication on OER in the context of higher education is planned. Papers (12’000 to 24’000 characters) can be written in English or German. Findings from the conference can be incorporated. The deadline for the submission of finished contributions is April 30, 2021. Please indicate if you are interested in a publication as part of a conference proceedings.

Deadlines and Submission

Submit contribution by December 15, 2020
Confirmation of acceptance by December 18, 2020
Submit written contribution to the conference proceedings by April 30, 2021

The call has been closed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs. Cinzia Gabellini
(Center for Learning, Teaching and Research, Hochschule Luzern)
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