University co-operation: a lever for the development of open educational resources

University cooperation appears to be a relevant tool for promoting OERs. Because, the synergies resulting from this cooperation effectively promote the sharing of knowledge.

Format: Workshop medium

Open Educational Resources (0ERs) are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. According to the Draft Ljubljana Plan of Action on OER 2017, „OER represent a strategic opportunity to improve knowledge sharing, capacity building, and universal access to quality learning and teaching resources“. Faced of the growth of the number of students in universities, it is clear that, almost all developing countries still have difficulties. Thus, we can see that access hardware, software, and connectivity remains problematic. However, taking these tools into account would offer their students services that are more cost-effective. It is therefore essential to encourage the sharing of knowledge in order to adapt teaching methods and materials.

Nathanaël Abiscégué Beckey
International Relations Institute of Cameroon, Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Working method:
For a good presentation of our work, we will make use PowerPoint. For this, it will be done in three parts according tot he following plan:
1- the definition of the contextual, conceptual and institutional framework
2- the practical issues of promoting OER in university co-operation
3- the prospects

university co-operation, lever, development, open educational resources

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