Wikipedia in education (workshop)

With 500 million readers, 280 linguistic editions, and 30 million openly licensed articles, Wikipedia is a contemporary, mainstream and editable OER! Learn how to integrate it into your practice!

Format: Workshop medium

Wikipedia is not only a mainstream source of information, but also an open educational resource and a collaborative online community. It is an educational tool used and edited by students, teachers, scholars and families around the world – short, by people like you, your colleagues, or your students. At an international level, a growing number of universities and schools are collaborating with Wikipedia and more recently also with Wikidata to improve the content and to foster digital skills and active engagement among students.
Together with the participants, we compartmentalize different ways of using wikipedia as a learning environment reflect on the potential benefits of using Wikipedia in education discuss possible fears and obstacles encountered by educators.

Iolanda Pensa, SUPSI
Beat Estermann, BFH
Luca Botturi, SUPSI

Working method:
Round of introduction
Brainstorming positive impacts of Wikipedia for students/teacher/educational institutions/society
Brainstorming fears/obstacles
Best practices to overcome fears/obstacles

Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia, Internet, OER, education, teachers, digital skills, Switzerland

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